Are you ready to transform your life?
Dr. Acklin is a Hawaii licensed psychologist in full time independent practice. Dr. Acklin is a clinicical and forensic psychologist, providing therapeutic and assessment services to children, adolescents, and adults. Board certified in Clinical, Assessment, & Forensic Psychology (ABPP, ABAP, ABFP)
Download Dr. Marvin W. Acklin’s Resume
Hawaii Forensic Psychology
Shared Thinking on the Practice of Forensic Psychology in Hawaii
Applied Clinical Research
With his trainees and colleagues, Dr. Acklin has conducted an ongoing program of applied clinical research in the areas of personality assessment and clinical and forensic psychology. He has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, serves on the several editorial boards, and has presented at local and national conferences. Dr. Acklin’s publications and presentations may be viewed and downloaded from the website.
Swimming with Sharks
Hawaii Psychological Association Convention 2009 November 9, 2009 Swimming with Sharks: Practice, Ethics, and Risk Management for Court-Involved Therapists Rosemary Adam-Terem, PhD, President, Hawaii Psychological
Dyslexia Testing
In children who are having school problems, comprehensive psychoeducational testing assesses the child’s development background, academic history, psychosocial adjustment and cognitive and achievement skills. These
Forensic Psychologist
PACIFIC FORENSIC ASSOCIATES, INC PFA, Inc. Pacific Forensic Associates, Inc. provides state-of-the-art risk assessment risk assessments for the courts and legal community, including assessment and
Psychological Assessment
Dr. Acklin is a scientist-practitioner, a training and practice model in clinical and forensic psychology which integrates clinical science into the provision of mental health
Child Custody Evaluations
Child Custody Evaluations & Parenting Capacity Evaluations. Dr. Acklin is an experienced child custody evaluator. He has performed over 250 child custody evaluations over the
Expert Witness
Expert Consultant & Witness–Litigation Support Services Dr. Acklin provides expert consultation in civil and criminal proceedings, including case and file reviews, psychological research, work product
Why Us?
- Board certification in Clinical, Assessment, & Forensic Psychology (ABPP, ABAP, ABFP)
- Fellow, Society for Personality Assessment
- Fellow, Division of Clinical Psychology American Psychological Association
- Fellow, Division of Clinical Psychology American Psychological Association
- Fellow, American Psychology-Law Society, American Psychological Association
- Fellow, Division of Independent Practice, American Psychological Association
- Seasoned assessment psychologist and expert witness (over 3,000 psychological evaluations of children, adolescents, adults)
- Scientist-practitioner and applied clinical researcher: over 60 published articles in peer-reviewed professional journals
- Individual, couples, and family psychotherapy (children, adolescents, adults)
- Psychological assessment services (children, adolescents, adults):
- Clinical diagnostic evaluations/personality assessment
- Neuropsychological assessment (TBI, aviation neuropsychology, CogScreen)
- Psychoeducational assessment
- Forensic psychological evaluation (civil and criminal, personal injury, fitness to stand trial, mental state at the time of the offense, legal capacity assessment)
- Risk Assessment (psychosexual evaluation, school/workplace violence; fitness for duty)
- Personnel selection (law enforcement, airline pilots, clergy)
- Dr. Acklin is an FIREARMS PERMIT EVALUATIONS qualified psychologist/neuropsychologist.
Abolishment of Insanity Defense? Kahler vs. Kansas- US Supreme Court
A short time ago, Professor S. Morse, a highly respected lawyer, forensic psychologist, and law professor posted the amicus brief
Return to Blog? Maybe it is time.
I have not posted a message since August 2018, almost a year. But that does not mean that I have
Assessing the reliability of child sex abuse allegations: Protocol for the attorney and forensic practitioner
Child sex abuse allegations commonly arise in criminal prosecutions, child protection matters, and divorce/custody disputes. These allegations are high stakes