Modern Times? Masturbation Discourse in 2011
Archives of Sexual Behavior is surely the most interesting professional journal. It catalogs sexual behavior is just about every species. A recent article on attitudes toward masturbation among young adults (college students) articulates issues and attitudes that reflect deeply on our social fabric and mores: Kaestle, CE, & Allen, KE (2010), The Role of Masturbation in […]
More on mating in captivity
The trigger for this loose string was a recent request on the HPA list serve for books to help girls make selections of boyfriends and mates that do not cause pain and suffering. I would love to see such a book. My candidate would be Sexual Excitement by Robert Stoller, but this is hardly suitable […]
Mating in Captivity
Relevant to couples therapy and object choice– why do good girls like bad boys? I just discovered a great book on the contradictions that underlie both male and female psychology when it comes to expectations of the opposite sex. Its called Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel (I never realized that zookeepers can’t get wild […]
Achilles in Vietnam
The issue of combat PTSD is much in the news these days. The greatest illusion that seems to be put forth is that we can “treat” PTSD as if exposure to war was something you can get over, if only we had “better treatment.” It ends up being a sort of minimization of the costs of […]