The facts about Conditional Release in Hawaii

A couple of recent Star Advertiser pieces were quite critical of the Conditional Release system in Hawaii. They highlighted a recent CR case that was exceptionally tragic, and also highlighted another tragic event pursuant to someone released from the Hawaii State Hospital after a finding of unrestorability and a period of civil commitment. Unfortunately the […]

Forensic News

I was recently introduced to Karen Franklin’s forensic blog–Feedbliz–delivered every few day in your email inbox. Definitely worth the read if you want stay up on what is hot in forensic psychology.  She is a controversialist so it is lively reading. Her October 12, 2010, post informs us about Tuesday’s Article 32 (miltary grand jury) proceeding in the case […]

Why are people bad: Criminal Thinking Styles (PICTS)

Working in criminal forensic psychology, a lot of attention is devoted to the role of psychosis in criminal offenses. In Hawaii law, based on the Model Penal Code of the American Law Institute, a person is not criminally responsible (insane) when their cognitive and/or volitional capacities were substantially impaired by a physical or mental disease, […]