Forensic Clinician’s Tool Box: Competency to Stand Trial measures

Assessment psychologists need a wide range of tools to address the variety of assessment challenges that arise in daily practice.  Not that different from a set of wrenches and scredrivers designed for every type of bolt and screw. It is perhaps not surprising that many psychologists persist in using “traditional” assessment measures in forensic psychological assessment […]

17,000 Helens agree — Bad Parents are Bad News

But seriously, check out The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study is one of the largest investigations ever conducted to assess associations between childhood maltreatment and later-life health and well-being. The study is a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Kaiser Permanente’s Health Appraisal Clinic in San Diego. More than 17,000 […]

Is heterosexual male attraction to “underage” females a mental disorder?

This topic is hot, no pun intended, as the diagnostic categories for the proposed DSM-V are being debated. Researchers are jockying to have their preferences enshrined in the manual. One group is arguing that heterosexual male attraction to teenage girls is a paraphilia (hebephilia). There is plenty of laboratory research evidence that indicates that male sexual […]

Court-Involved Therapists

I have previously discussed the problems frequently encountered with court-involved therapists (typically child therapists in divorce and child custody cases). Just discovered a helpful additional source of information in the Journal of Child Custody. Definitely worth a read. Will report on it later. Reference: Greenberg, LR, Gould-Saltman, DJ, & Gottlieb, MC. (2008). ‘Playing in their […]