Dr. Marvin W. AcklinDr. Marvin W. Acklin, PhD, ABPP, ABAP is a clinical and forensic psychologist practicing in Honolulu, Hawai’i. Dr. Acklin specializes in psychological evaluation and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults. He is an experienced psychotherapist working with individuals, couples, and families. He consults with various private and public agencies. He serves as a forensic consultant and expert witness in civil and criminal matters and has been qualified as an expert in a variety of areas in Hawai’i state, federal military, and immigration Courts. He is an experienced child custody evaluator. Dr. Acklin is on the teaching faculty, Department of Psychiatry, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawai’i, and the Department of Psychiatry, Tripler Army Medical Center. Dr. Acklin has published over 30 peer-reviewed articles and several book chapters in the area of psychological evaluation. Dr. Acklin is a Diplomate in Clinical, Assessment, and Forensic Psychology (American Board of Professional Psychology, American Board of Forensic Psychology, and American Board of Assessment Psychology) and fellow of the American Psychological Association (Divisions of Clinical Psychology and Independent Practice), Society for Personality Assessment, and Academy of Clincal Psychology. He is listed with the National Register of Health Care Providers in Psychology.

Co-Director, Pacific Forensic Associates, Inc.
Pacific Forensic Associates Inc. provides professional and comprehensive forensic risk assessment services utilizing state-of-the-art technology, behavioral science, and actuarial instruments. Pacific Forensic Associates Inc. specializes in all aspects of risk assessment and consultation.

Download Dr. Marvin W. Acklin’s Resume

Dr. Acklin’s Biography-Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences

Our Advantages

  • Board Certification in Clinical, Assessment, & Forensic Psychology (ABPP, ABAP, ABFP)
  • Fellow, Society for Personality Assessment
  • Fellow, Division of Clinical Psychology American Psychological Association
  • Fellow American Psychology-Law Society, American Psychological Association
  • Fellow, Division of Independent Practice, American Psychological Association
  • Seasoned assessment psychologist and expert witness (over 3,000 psychological evaluations of children, adolescents, adults)
  • Scientist-practitioner and applied clinical researcher: over 60 published articles in peer-reviewed professional journals

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